It is my firm belief that the standard versions of The Lord of the Rings should be jettisoned in favour of the extended editions universally. Sure, the near 4 hour runtime is a tad steep, but for an absolute masterpiece like this, it's work every second and the first act of undoubtedly the best trilogy in cinematic history!
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
An incredible feat
Enthrals anew every time
Cannot believe its two decades ago
Love it so much
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
"For the time will soon come when Hobbits will shape the fortunes of all."
GaladrielGaladriel tells Hobbits may look like unimportant people but they will change the course of the future. Story begins with this line.This line is not really the first line but the line stars the movie for real. This movie is breathtaking. Whatever I say is not enough for this trilogy. Brilliant novel, brilliant adapted screenplay.Not just the novel or screenplay is excellent but the technics also revolutionary. The trilogy nearly opened a new era to Cinema. Some believed even more revolutionary than Star Wars and 2001: A Space Odyssey. Amazing makeup, breathtaking visual effects, stunning cinematography. The trilogy nearly succeed at all technical subjects.